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The hidden world of sanitation workers in India

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The report jointly authored by the International Labour Organisation, WaterAid, World Bank, and World Health Organization to raise awareness of the de-humanising working conditions and to push for change.

The report extensively explore the plight of manual scavengers engaged in engaged in cleaning sewers, cleaning latrines, faecal sludge handling, railway cleaning, work in waste treatment plants, community and public toilet cleaning, school toilet cleaning, sweeping and drain cleaning, and domestic work.

The report beside providing the statistics from government of India it does mention baseline figures and what can be done to bring change.

“Initially, I used to feel nauseated. I wasn’t ready and felt ashamed to work because of the stigma attached to it. But now I’m used to the foul smells. Poverty leaves you with no option. With the amount of discrimination we face, what else can we do to feed our stomach? Give us another job and we will leave this one immediately.”

… Posted by Priyadarshi Telang

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