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Lockdown Caste Atrocities – Case 06

Three dominant caste men beaten up a dalit man for filling water from a public water place.

“The survivor went out of his house for some work on the day of the incident. While on the way, he felt thirsty and he had an empty bottle so he started filling it from the public water place. While he was filling up the bottle, the three accused Madan Kumhar, Ashok and Gopal Lal came with sticks and stopped him from filling the water bottle. When the survivor protested, he was beaten up badly by the three accused which resulted in fracture of one of his arms and serious injuries on his head. The accused also abused the survivor with caste based derogatory words and threatened him of dire consequences if he dared to fetch water from this place. The next day, on the 8 July 2020, the mother of the survivor went to the police station to register an FIR.

Through the support of few people of their village, pressure was put on the police and finally the accused were arrested but later were released on bail”.

Artist:Anurag Minus Verma (@anuragminusverma )

#LockdownCasteAtrocities is a campaign by DHRDNet to highlight the cases of atrocity against Dalits that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

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